
21 Days

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Day 19- Worship

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Author: Allison Cunningham

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your reasonable act of worship." Romans 12:1

It is a fascinating concept that when the church, a gathering of Christ followers, come together, the Lord manifests His presence in the midst of His people and at the very same time meets people personally. At one of the worship nights, my family was sitting together enjoying the presence of the Lord. It was a beautiful night of worship and as it concluded, Pastor Ron gave a benediction and closing prayer. I picked up my purse to leave when my child next to me said, “Woah! That was powerful!” The Lord had baptized her in His spirit moments earlier while I was completely unaware. God is so big and powerful that in every moment He is aware of the whole world and yet His eyes are on you. His thoughts toward you outnumber the grains of sand and He longs for you to behold Him. To gaze upon Him with awe and wonder; to know His love. You are unique. Your personality, talents and quirks are a delight to the Father. Corporate expression of worship is powerful and energizing yet it still comes down to one. Worship is a one-to-one ratio. Worship is not a spectator thing reserved to a specific place and time. It’s giving honor, devotion and your heart’s affection to the One who is worthy. This requires time spent with Jesus. Worship is the opportunity to sit at the King’s feet and behold him. To know his heart. To see his beauty. At the King’s feet, who you are is clarified. Affirmation and love in the deepest places is realized. Every part of you is satisfied. 

Time spent in God’s presence empowers you to worship God in daily living. In view of Christ laying His life down, you surrender your life. This is worship. Clapping your hands, dancing, singing a song, preferring others over yourself, giving to the poor– worship is more than music. It’s a heart posture that exalts Jesus and is demonstrated in the words of your mouth and fruit of your life. There is no distinction between spiritual and secular in the Kingdom of God. Life in God’s kingdom requires living unto the King in the attitude of your heart and in the work of your hands. A living sacrifice sounds counterintuitive yet it’s an invitation to worship the Father by yielding your will and priorities at the feet of Jesus knowing He is worthy of everything you are! 


God, help me to prioritize my life to create space for one on one time with you. Give me courage to worship you with the expression of my words motivated by a pure heart that offers up a living sacrifice of a life that pleases you. Amen

Posted by Allison Cunningham with