We are joining with a variety of churches in 40 Days of Prayer and Fasting! Over the next 40 days, we aim to remove distractions so we can increase the time and focus we give to our relationship with God. Our fast will begin on Monday, January 13 and will end on Friday, February 22. 


Printable Calendar 

Printable Meal Planner 

Devotional Booklet

Student Guide Booklet PDF 

Kids Guide Booklet PDF


Crock Pot Vegetarian Tortilla Soup 

Quinoa Chili 

Sheet Pan Dinner 

Garlic Broccoli Stir Fry 

Spinach and Feta Quesadillas 

Vegan gnocchi Soup 

Spotify playlist 

We've compiled some of our favorite worship songs for you to listen to throughout the fast! Click the button below for the playlist. 

Spotify Playlist 

As a part of our 40 days, we are committing to no secular media! We want to tune out the world and tune into the Word of God! However, we do not want to lose connection with you and want to keep you up to date with things that may be happening here at Christian Life. Throughout these 40 days, if we need to communicate anything to you, we will do so through email or through the Church Center app. You can download the Church Center app and join our email list at the links below! If you need to contact us for any reason, you can email us at  

Download the Church Center app! 

Join our email list!